FESTIVAL OF LEARNING: Creative Writing Class

fri24sep11:00 amfri12:00 pmFESTIVAL OF LEARNING: Creative Writing Class

Event Details

Festival of Learning 2021

Creative writing can help both mental and physical well-being. Engaging in and enjoying the process of writing can help to clarify thoughts and feelings and improve mood and positivity.

Just bring yourself, and a pen and notepad!


• There are no rules.

• You don’t need any writing experience.

• It’s not about crafting a beautiful piece of poetry or literature.

• It’s not compulsory for you to share your work with the rest of the group.

• You don’t need to prepare for the session.

• You can say as much or a little as you’d like to in the session.


This session allows participants to develop their skills of perception and reality through the medium of poetry. Possible areas for exploration:

• What is perception – how to we build a picture of someone, something and what drives us to make judgements?

• perception of themselves

• What perception do we have of others?

• What perception do we have of the city around us?

• How do we think others see us – friendships, family, neighbours?

The overall aim is for participants to study Moniza Alvi’s poem Presents from my Aunt in Pakistan, explore the themes of identity, community, local landscapes, internal conflict and cultural heritage; putting them in a position where they can write a poem of their own about their own identity.



24/09/2021 11:00 am - 12:00 pm(GMT+00:00)

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