Social Media & Online Safety

Dates options:TBCTime:12:00-13:30
Course:Social Media & Online SafetyTutor:Amira
Days of the week:FridaysNumber of sessions:TBC
Location:Online via ZoomPlaces available:Yes
Admin fee:£35Course fee:Free

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Dates options:TBCTime:12:00-13:30
Course:Social Media & Online SafetyTutor:Amira
Days of the week:FridaysNumber of sessions:TBC
Location:Online via ZoomPlaces available:Yes
Admin fee:£35Course fee:Free

What you will learn 

The course is designed to give learners the knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of internet safety, including understanding the risks associated with using the internet, safeguarding self and others when working online, maintaining data security and following guidelines and procedures. The aims of the course are to enable learners: 
1. To understand the risks that can exist when using the internet 
2. To understand how to safeguard self and others when working online 
3. To know how to maintain data security 
4. To follow guidelines and procedures which apply when working. 

Entry requirements 

Assessed English language skill at least Entry level 2.