English in the Community E1/E2

Dates options:Time:18:00-20:00
Course:English in the Community E1/E2Tutor:Anya
Days of the week:Tuesdays & ThursdaysNumber of sessions:
Location:NovaPlaces available:Yes
Admin fee:£35Course fee:Free

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Dates options:20/04/22-13/07/22Time:13:00-15:30
Course:Reading Skills for ESOL Learners at EL1Tutor:Tieu
Days of the week:Tuesdays & ThursdaysNumber of sessions:18
Location:Hybrid (Nova & Zoom)Places available:Yes
Admin fee:£35Course fee:Free
Dates options:Time:18:00-20:00
Course:English in the Community E1/E2Tutor:Anya
Days of the week:Tuesdays & ThursdaysNumber of sessions:
Location:NovaPlaces available:Yes
Admin fee:£35Course fee:Free

What you will learn 

The course is designed specifically for people living in the UK and focus on preparing learners for the world of work. The primary aim of the course is to assist the learner in becoming independent of others (such interpreters or translators; be they professionals, family or friends) when interacting with native English-speakers, both in a work environment and elsewhere. By improving their communication and fluency in English, learners will significantly improve their employability skills. Furthermore, these learners will benefit from the development of the ability to have linguistic confidence to travel and work beyond their local community. This course is focused on the development or writing skills using a wide variety of styles, formats and audience. 

Entry requirements 

Assessed English language skill at a level below the course level.